Whatever your garden theme, achieve year-round interest by planting shrubs with either architectural foliage, light reflecting leaves, attractive stems or winter berries.
Cornus ‘Baton Rouge’ – A dense decorative shrub, grown primarily for its bright scarlet stems. Dark green leaves are produced in spring and bluish fruits in autumn.
• Perfect for borders
Cordyline ‘Electric Flash’ – A compact, statuesque evergreen with striking sword-like leaves, that contrasts well against other plants. A great addition to any Mediterranean, tropical or formal garden.
• Perfect for patio containers
Cornus ‘Baton Rouge’ Cordyline ‘Electric Flash’
Fatsia ‘Spider’s Web’ Gaultheria procumbens
Fatsia Spider’s Web – A bushy, low-maintenance evergreen, growing to 2m with architectural large green lobed leaves, heavily speckled with white giving an unusual frosted appearance. Clusters of white flowers in autumn are followed by black berries.
• Perfect for borders or large patio containers
• Hardy and ideal for brightening up shady spots
Gaultheria procumbens – a delightful, low level evergreen growing to 15cm, with rounded leaves that turn reddish in winter. Small bell-shaped flowers are followed by an abundance of long-lasting red autumnal fruits.
• Perfect for front of borders or patio tubs.
Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.
Stanley Horowitz